


毕业于中国科学院。 主要学术兼职:Aging Cell、Bioinformatics、MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry、Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening、Current Proteomics等国际SCI期刊的审稿人。
科研项目及成果:主持和参与10余项科研项目,发表学术论文数十篇,论文被引用近500次。研究成果受到了TIME(美国时代周刊)、The Guardian(英国卫报)、Science(美国科学杂志)News、Daily Mail(每日邮报)、NewScientist(新科学家)、live science(美国生命科学)、新华网、人民网、中央广播网、科技日报、解放日报、光明日报、中国科学报、青年报等国内外主流媒体的采访与报道。 主要奖励:获得过2016年度ACM济南分会新星奖、2016年度济南计算机科学技术奖(一等奖)、湖南省自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖、湖南省优秀硕士学位论文、中国科学院朱李月华优秀博士生奖等多个奖项。


1Na Sun^, Xiaoming Yu^, Fang Li^, Denghui Liu, Shengbao Suo, Weiyang Chenet al. Inference of differentiation time for single cell transcriptomes using cell population reference data. Nature Communications, 1856 (2017), doi:10.1038/s41467-017-01860-2.Nature子刊,SCI影响因子:12.124,中科院分区大类1区、小类1区);

2Shan Gao^, Weiyang Chen^, et al. Classification and prediction of toxicity of chemicals using an automated phenotypic profiling of Caenorhabditis elegansBMC Pharmacology and Toxicology, 2018, 19(18): 1-11. SCI);

3Weiyang Chenet al. Use of image texture analysis to find DNA sequence similarities. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2018, 455: 1–6. (通讯作者, SCI);

4Weiyang Chenet al. Segmenting Microscopy Images of Multi-Well Plates Based on Image Contrast. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 2017, 23(5): 932-937.通讯作者,SCI);

5Weiyang Chenet al. A review of  biological image analysis. Current Bioinformatics, 2017, in press.通讯作者,SCI);

6Jialun Pei, Weiyang Chenet al. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Brain Image Segmentation Method Based on Adaptive Clustering Algorithm. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 2017, 7(7): 1629-1635.通讯作者,SCI);

7Li W, Weiyang Chenet al. Application of Attribute Reduction Algorithm Based on Rough Set in Financial Management of Commercial Banks. ICNC-FSKD 2017, in press.(通讯作者)

8Xian Xia, Weiyang Chen, Joseph McDermott, Jing-Dong Jackie Han. Molecular and phenotypic biomarkers of aging. F1000Research, 2017, 6: 860

9Weiyang Chen, Xian Xia, Yi Huang, Xingwei Chen, Jing-Dong J Han. Bioimaging for quantitative phenotype analysis. Methods, 2016, 102: 20-25.SCI影响因子:3.802,中科院分区大类2区、小类3区);

10Guangdun Peng^, Shengbao Suo^, Jun Chen^, Weiyang Chen, Chang Liu, Fang Yu, Ran Wang, Shirui Chen, Na Sun, Guizhong Cui, Lu Song, Patrick P.L. Tam, Jing-Dong Jackie Han, Naihe Jing. Spatial Transcriptome for the Molecular Annotation of Lineage Fates and Cell Identity in Mid-Gastrula Mouse Embryo. Developmental Cell, 2016, 36(6):681-97.SCI影响因子:9.174,中科院分区大类1区、小类1区);

11Weiyang Chen, Wei Qian, Gang Wu, Weizhong Chen, Bo Xian, Xingwei Chen, Yaqiang Cao, Christopher D Green, Fanghong Zhao, Kun Tang, Jing-Dong J Han. Three-dimensional human facial morphologies as robust aging markers. Cell Research, 2015, 25(5): 574-587.SCI影响因子:15.606,中科院分区大类1区、小类1区);

12Weiyang Chen, Jing-Dong J Han. Aging phenomics enabled by quantitative imaging analysis. Oncotarget, 2015, 6(19):16794-5.SCI);

13Bo Xian^, Shen J^, Weiyang Chen^,  Na Sun, Nan Qiao, Jiang D, Yu T, Men Y, Han Z, Pang Y, Kaeberlein M, Huang Y, Jing-Dong J Han. WormFarm: a quantitative control and measurement device toward automated Caenorhabditis elegans aging analysis. Aging Cell, 2013, 12(3): 398-409.SCI影响因子:6.714,中科院分区大类2区、小类1区);

14Dan Wang^, Lei Hou^, Shuhei Nakamura, Ming Su, Fang Li, Weiyang Chen, Yizhen Yan, Christopher D. Green, Di Chen, Hong Zhang, Adam Antebi and Jing-Dong J. Han. LIN-28 balances longevity and germline stem cell number in Caenorhabditis elegans through let-7/AKT/DAF-16 axis. Aging Cell, 2017, 16(1):113-124.SCI影响因子:6.714,中科院分区大类2区、小类1区);

15Weiyang Chen, Bo Liao, Wen Zhu, Xuyu Xiang. Multiple sequence alignment algorithm based on a dispersion graph and ant colony algorithm. Journal of Computational Chemistry, 2009, 30(13): 2031-2038.SCI影响因子:3.229,中科院分区大类2区、小类3区);

16Weiyang Chen, Bo Liao, Wen Zhu, Hao Liu, Qingguang Zeng. An ant colony pairwise alignment based on the dot plots. Journal of  Computational Chemistry, 2009, 30(1): 93-97.SCI影响因子:3.229,中科院分区大类2区、小类3区);

17Weiyang Chen, Bo Liao, Xuyu Xiang, Wen Zhu. An improved binary representation of DNA sequences and its applications. MATCH-Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 2009, 61(3): 767-780.SCI影响因子:3.139,中科院分区大类3区、小类2区);

18Weiyang Chen, Bo Liao, Yanshu Liu, Wen Zhu, Zhizhong Su. A numerical representation of DNA sequences and its applications. MATCH-Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 2008, 60(2): 291-300.SCI影响因子:3.139,中科院分区大类3区、小类2区);

19Bo Liao, Weiyang Chen, Xingming Sun, Wen Zhu. A binary coding method of RNA secondary structure and its  application. Journal of Computational Chemistry, 2009, 30(14): 2205-2212.SCI影响因子:3.229,中科院分区大类2区、小类3区);

20Long Zhao, Xue Dong, Weiyang Chenet al. The combined cloud model for edge detection. Multimedia Tools and  Applications, 2017 :1-20.SCI);

21Zhi Cao, Renfa Li, Weiyang Chen. A 3D graphical representation of DNA sequence based on numerical coding  method. International Journal of  Quantum Chemistry, 2010, Vol 110, 975-980.SCI影响因子:2.92,中科院分区大类4区、小类3区);

22Jennifer Schleit, Simon Johnson, Christopher Bennett, Marissa Simko, Natalie Trongtham, Anthony Castanza, Edward Hsieh, Richard Moller, Brian Wasko, Joe Delaney, George Sutphin, Daniel Carr, Christopher Murakami, Autumn Tocchi, Bo Xian, Weiyang Chen, Tao Yu, Sarani Goswami, Sean Higgins, Mollie Holmberg, Ki-Soo Jeong, Jin Kim, Shannon Klum, Eric Liao, Michael Lin, Winston Lo, Hillary Miller, Brady Olsen, Zhao Peng, Tom Pollard, Prarthana Pradeep, Dillon Pruett, Dilreet Rai, Vanessa Ros, Minnie Singh, Benjamin Spector, Helen Vander Wende, Elroy An, Marissa Fletcher, Monika Jelic, Peter Rabinovitch, Michael MacCoss, Jing-Dong J Han, Brian Kennedy and Matt Kaeberlein. Molecular mechanisms underlying genotype-dependent responses to dietary restriction. Aging Cell, 2013, 12(6): 1050-1061.SCI影响因子:6.714,中科院分区大类2区、小类1区)。
