


◆ 姓名: 秦石铭 ◆ 性别: 男 ◆ 学历/学位: 博士研究生/工学博士学位 ◆ 研究方向: PLC控制的自动化工程仿真/纠错/分析/优化 ◆ 主讲课程:嵌入式系统及应用,建筑电气及智能化

◆ 主要教科研项目:

Ø 主要科研项目:

1、(韩国)现代次世代生产技术研究所项目,2017-447, 基于深度学习技术的PLC控制逻辑自动检测系统开发, 2017/07-2018/06,45万元,参加。

2、(韩国)产业技术评价管理院项目 10051146,Manufacture-Engineering Service Development for High-Efficient Energy Consumption ,2014/12-2017/01,2396万元,参加。

3、(韩国)产业技术振兴院项目 ,N0001083, 为了中小企业的基于3D 综合混合现实技术的生产支持和产品管理系统构建,2014/07-2019/08,8202万元,参与。


◆ 主要教科研成果(专利、专著、教材及学术论文):

1、 Arup Ghosh#, QIN SHIMING#, Jooyeoun Lee, Gi-Nam Wang*. FBMTP: An automated fault and behavioral anomaly detection and isolation tool for PLC controlled manufacturing systems [J]. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science,2017,47(12):3397–3417.

2、 Arup Ghosh#, QIN SHIMING#, Jooyeoun Lee, Gi-Nam Wang*. An Output Instruction Based PLC Source Code Transformation Approach For Program Logic Simplification [J]. Informatica,2017,41:349-362.

3、 Arup Ghosh#, QIN SHIMING, Jooyeoun Lee, Gi-Nam Wang*,Hee-Young Jang. UNIFIED LOGICAL MODEL TO IDENTIFY FAULTS IN A PLC CONTROLLED MANUFACTURING SYSTEM [J]. International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and Practice,2017,24(3):272-283.

4、 Arup Ghosh#, QIN SHIMING#, Jooyeoun Lee, Gi-Nam Wang*. PLAT: An automated fault and behavioural anomaly detection tool for PLC controlled manufacturing systems [J]. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience,2016,1652475:1-30.

5、 QIN SHIMING#, Gi-Nam Wang, Satchidananda Dehuri*. Interactive Genetic Algorithms for Optimal Assignment of shipbuilding Industry [J]. International journal of applied evolutionary computation,2015,6(1): 30-48.

6、Shiming Qin#,Ginam Wang*. A Study of Fault Detection and Diagnosis for PLC Controlled Manufacturing System [C]. Asia Simulation Conference & The International Conference on System Simulation and Scientific Computing 2012,Part 1:373-382. 2012,Oct 27-29,Shanghai,China


◆ Email:taihejiang@hotmail.com